"Chanukah and Thank-Yous: A Festival of Lights (and Letters)" 🕎✉️

"Chanukah and Thank-Yous: A Festival of Lights (and Letters)" 🕎✉️

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Danny Louis
NPO Strategy
February 4, 2025

As an NPO director, you know the importance of maintaining positive relationships with your major donors.

A significant part of that work is expressing gratitude. 

I know what you might be thinking—I tend to think this way also: 

"Gee, if I were a multi-bagillionaire, and I donated a million dollars to charity every time I sneezed, I wouldn't care if anyone said thank you. I'd be too busy lighting cigars with $100 bills to read a silly letter anyway." 💸💨

But actually, I only think that because, indeed, I am not (yet) a multi-bagillionaire.

People always have a need for respect and recognition. 🏆

Even Mr. Musk
Or Mr. Bezos
Or your Uncle Fred, who you only call when you need some cash.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, esteem needs—such as respect and recognition—are among the top human motivations.

🛠️ Consider the faithful fellow who's run that hardware store for the past 40 years (and knows exactly where to find that 8.2mm masonry bit)—he'll eat his fishing hat if no one notices him. 

🍕 Or the new guy at the pizza shop who only burnt nine pies this week—someone better give him a shout-out. 

💖 And your donor—who has done something objectively good and powerful when you've needed them, time after time—a thank-you is indeed in order. 

Could there be exceptions?  Probably.  But for most people we know, this is where they're at, and we'd better get with the program.

A Super-Short Crash Course in Powerful Thank-You Notes 📝

Here are three basics to ensure your thank-you notes resonate with donors:

Personalize Your Letter
Address the donor by their name and mention specific details about their contribution. For example: "Thank you, John, for your generous donation of $500 to our community garden project." This shows you value them, not just their cash.

Express Genuine Gratitude
Convey sincere appreciation by highlighting the impact of their donation. For instance: "Your support has enabled us to provide shelter for 50 families this winter." This shows them that you felt the tangible difference their donation made.

Be Timely
Send your thank-you message promptly, ideally within 24-72 hours of receiving the gift. A prompt thank-you extends the donor's good feelings about making a gift and prevents buyer’s remorse.

A well-crafted thank-you note acknowledges your donor's generosity and strengthens your relationship, encouraging future support. So, as you light the Chanukah candles, let each flame remind you of the warmth a heartfelt thank-you can bring. Happy Chanukah! 🕎Danny 😊

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